Conference Aims….
Developing a future with sustainable agriculture and maintaining food security is recognised as a significant humanitarian challenge for the future. With the world population set to exceed 9 billion by 2050 and increasing economic and work-force challenges, this is placing an increasing strain on production environments and resources. To meet this important societal challenge, research and development in the agri-food sector is of utmost importance with automation and learning providing the opportunity to improve the efficiency of its processes, reduce waste and costs, and improve food quality and safety. The global smart agriculture market estimated to be in the order of $2,000 million and has significant industrial interest.
This is highly interesting and challenging research problem due to the environmental conditions and real-world nature of the challenge. Challenges range from the identification, picking, handling, classification and packaging are all significantly tied to vision, learning and manipulation challenges, which address many fundamental unsolved research questions.
This workshop seeks to address the research challenges by providing a forum for discussion between research and industry and bringing together researchers to demonstrate world leading research in food sustainability challenges.
Content and format
The two day conference will include Agri-Food Robotics research and industry talks and related hackathon. The two main workshop days focus on two areas of the Agri-Tech, with the hackathon running along side the talks and discussions.
Logistics and Information
Location: Department of Engineering, Unviversity of Cambridge, UK.
Dates: The core days of the workshop will run Monday 25th – Tuesday 26th June, however the Hackthon will run from the Sunday evening through to mid afternoon on the Wednesday 27th June.
For more information, or to express interest, please contact:
The event will be held at: Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, CB2 1PZ.